5 Ways to “Switch Off” Whilst on Holiday in Scotland

It’s always difficult to truly get away – the modern world gives us little chance to truly disconnect, and it gets even harder when you go on holiday within the UK. But we all need the chance to ‘switch off’ every once in a while – to make that happen, why not implement the following tips?

1. Wrap Up Your Workload

One of the reasons holidays are never as fun as they should be is that we don’t wrap up our work before departure. That niggling feeling that something was not quite finished off is enough to put you off for the rest of your time away.


That’s why it’s so important that your start preparing long before you are due to go on holiday. Make a detailed plan of everything you need to do and try and delegate tasks that may take longer than the time you have left!

2. Tell People You’re On Holiday

With technology these days, it’s tempting to continue working as normal while you’re away. Don’t let this happen to you. Let your colleagues and clients know that you’re going on holiday, telling them that you’re unavailable unless it’s an emergency.


Set up an auto responder on your email that lets people know when you’ll be back and who should be contacted if the query is important. Your business phone should only be made available for unique circumstances.

3. Go Somewhere Remote

The problem with the standard holiday these days is that people go to places that still resemble the annoyances of day-to-day life. The hectic noise, people everywhere fighting for real estate on the beach, or just the mere access to technology can ruin your time away.


Think about a holiday in Scotland, for example. The Highlands offer gorgeous locations that are far from the drudgery of the city, giving you a real break from the rat race. It doesn’t mean you need to say goodbye to the niceties you’re used to – luxury cottages in Scotland offer you the best of both worlds.

4. Detox From Technology

The rat race has a way of following us around, even while away on holiday. Your pesky smartphone keeps going off with ‘urgent’ emails and even it doesn’t, you hold your breath while you wait for it to buzz.

Next holiday leave your gadgets at home. If you can’t quite make that commitment, leave it in the hotel and check it just once per day. After all, what are the chances something will go majorly wrong?


If it’s essential and you have the option to trust someone else to take over for a week, just ask him or her. A favour for a favour goes a long way!

5. Get Someone Else to Take Over

Those of us who love and are tied our jobs can often be a little too possessive about our tasks and responsibilities. When you go on holiday, ensure that you let someone else take the reins for a while.

Whether you’re self-employed and hire virtual assistants or work in an office, let someone else know how to cover the ‘must-do’ tasks while you’re away. Be comfortable that the person you’ve left in charge will be able to keep things ticking over.